Mark Huafei MFSPORTSO 2011 autumn and winter women's campaign campaign new fashion courier

MFSPORTSO's full supply chain can be divided into four major phases, namely product organization and design, procurement and production, product distribution, sales and feedback. All links are centered on the target customers. The entire process is continuously rolling and optimizing. Accurately collect fashion information, develop corresponding products more quickly, save product introduction time, form more product portfolios, and greatly reduce the risk of product development. For dealers and dealers, inventory risk is also reduced.

Mark Huafei MFSPORTSO 2011 autumn and winter women's campaign campaign new fashion courier

Mark Huafei MFSPORTSO 2011 autumn and winter women's campaign campaign new fashion courier

MFSPORTSO's full supply chain can be divided into four major phases, namely product organization and design, procurement and production, product distribution, sales and feedback. All links are centered on the target customers. The entire process is continuously rolling and optimizing. Accurately collect fashion information, develop corresponding products more quickly, save product introduction time, form more product portfolios, and greatly reduce the risk of product development. For dealers and dealers, inventory risk is also reduced.

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