Emerald fire is like a dream

Emerald fire like a dream

“The emerald nests in the South China Sea, the male and female groves...the brilliance jewellery and the brilliance of the koi.” In the Tang dynasty, the emerald in the eyes of Chen Zi'ang was a bird that built a nest on the coast of the South China Sea.

"Yunnan jadeite jade was not treated as jade at that time. However, if Lantian dried up yellow, its name was Yuyin's ear, and today it is a cherished play. The price is far higher than that of the real jade scorpion." In the Qing Dynasty, Ji Xiaoyan leisurely walked in reading the Weicaodang. Pitch 唏嘘 唏嘘 翡 翡 翡 翡 翡 翡 翡 翡 翡 翡 翡 翡 翡 翡 翡 翡.

“The Jade Jade in the cracks of the times finally disappeared when the morning dew did not exist.” Contemporary, a collector, on the auction site of the Jadeite, accidentally discovered that the two vests rushed to raise the price tacitly. There was no mistake in seeing it. It was only a determination to temporarily retreat and wait for the jade fire to pass.

Life is full of scenery on the road. Being able to become associated with jade is a practice. However, history tells us that the sky-shocked will fall into pieces, and now it will eventually become the past.

When the virtual fire fades and the bubble breaks, people will still have to go their own way and the jade market will return to a rational dynamic balance.

Quotes: From everyone sought after to gradually cooling

"80,000 sold the best, 30,000 can sell"

Beijing in the early autumn is the most beautiful capital of the year. The air outside is good or not, and people who know the circle of friends “blue sky” will know more. The 9th is a good day to be rehabilitated by the blue sky. It is also a good day for reading and strong brothers.

In the morning, I received the card from the marriage registration office of Chaoyang District, Beijing, and took a look at the time is early. The strong brother thought in the heart that the girl “has legs to legs and wants to have a brain and brain”. It is so quietly following me with joy. Did not give, the three gold did not buy ... ... strong brother thought more and more want to cross over, although the anniversary of the wedding was held only to be sure to have everything, the strong brother still decided today to show the girl.

Nearly came to the Beijing Antique City, repeatedly comparing, strong brother decided to buy an emerald bracelet. Beijing Antique City has more than 30 shops specializing in emerald, high and low mid-range goods, green, red, violet, old pit species, glass species, ice species, can not afford to buy, can not buy. But what forced the brother to scratch his head was that there was no price on the jade bracelet.

The strong brother took a look at a glutinous rice bracelet, delicate texture, the inner skin slightly Tsui, the boss asking price 80,000 yuan. When he left, he immediately changed his price to 70,000. I saw a brighter ice bracelet with a slightly smaller radius. I took it in my hand and moistened it with iron. It felt like I had waxed it. The asking price was again 80,000. Asked if the boss could go to the ice level, he replied: "You say it is." Turning around will go out of the shop, and the elder brother vaguely hears the boss say to a regular customer: "The internal price is 30,000 to you..."

In the jadeite market, even in the entire antiques and collection market, merchants can give different prices based on Chinese, foreigners, young people, the elderly, knowledgeable and amateurs.

Has the bracelet been worth more money? It is no secret that people are served. Is there a reasonable range of jadeite prices? To see who will flicker. How can I buy the fine to buy? Naturally, the market pushes the price high.

Seeing this, the strong brother decided to wait a second time. The water is too deep.

"After the jade market reached a high point in 2012, it will steadily decline."

Wang Di is a newspaper reporter who runs collection outlets. Since she joined the newspaper in 2008, she has been particularly concerned with the Jade Market. She will also be able to take advantage of opportunities to start some of the Italian favorites. When investing.

“In the past few years, it can be said that up to the nobles and aristocrats, down to the common people love to buy jade, for example, girls buy bracelets, men's buyers to handle pieces. But with these two years as a watershed, jade market is much worse. "Wang Di said.

Wang Di painted a market dynamic curve. Affected by the financial crisis, the jade market hit a low point from 2008 to 2009, and gradually warmed up. In 2012, jade prices rebounded to a new high, Wang Di recalled, “An ordinary one The bracelets were worth 8,000 children.” However, the good times were not long. The market has rapidly declined in the past two years. In 2012, the bracelet with a market value of 10,000 yuan can now be won for five or six thousand yuan. Even Wang Di believes that the bubble is being squeezed out. The market price of the low-grade jadeite is even lower than in 2008 and 2009. The price has dropped by 1/3 to 1/2, and the cheaper tens of dollars can be purchased. . However, in her view, high-grade jade has also been rising. Investment in high-end jade is still maintaining value, increasing value.

“The price of jadeite in 2012 has indeed increased a lot compared with 2011. Some professionals have assessed that they have risen by at least 50%. However, due to the central government’s eight policies, the price of jadeite has started to fall again, and it is considered stable. "A drop in." Jinan, a jeweler, said, "Guangdong, Yunnan and other jade distribution center, the number of high-quality jade can get into less and less. Not to mention the top, a collection of jade." Emerald as a non-renewable scarcity. Resources are used less, and resources are becoming increasingly scarce. The Chinese people have a special preference for jadeite. The market’s surge in demand for jadeite highlights the value of jadeite.

Where does the bubble come from? Who is creating?

"Bubble is bursting" VS "There is inflation,

Not a bubble

After many experts interviewed, Wang Di concluded that the trend of this curve has always been related to the economic environment. In the past two years, the overall economic environment in the world has declined, the investment market has declined, and the bubble is being squeezed out.

Wang Di introduced that as a relay station for Burma's jadeite, at present, there are a large number of Guantze shops in Guangdong's small-scale jade stores, and some well-established, age-old stores are still struggling. However, due to the failure to sell, all of them are reluctant to sell, and almost no high-end goods are sold. It is their common aspiration to wait for the economic upturn to improve.

"Every art investment is a swing market, there are downturns and peaks. For the store in the current year of such a sluggish year, the core is not to sell things but to open the door to collect good things." Wang Di said.

In the view of some experts, the jadeite market has virtually no bubble at all. Instead, it is the result of inflation.

In 2008, the United States broke out with a severe financial and economic crisis and caused a chain reaction throughout the world. As a result, international demand has rapidly declined in the short term, and countries with heavy export reliance have been more severely affected. At that time, China’s exports were also seriously affected. In order to stabilize the economy. The government soon introduced a 4 trillion yuan construction investment policy, and at the same time introduced more incentives to stimulate consumption. Subsequently, the Chinese economy not only escaped the recession, but also set off a new round of economic “prosperity”.

The price behind this "prosperity" is irrepressible inflation, and it leads to the people reducing their savings and carrying huge debts for consumption or speculation. This, to a certain extent, stimulated the disorderly growth of the jadeite market.

According to Zhang Xiangyou, an auctioneer at Guardian, “This is a process of accumulation. It is also related to social development. After 2009, China invested 4 trillion yuan to stimulate consumption, which increased the amount of money and actually pushed up the price of goods. Art As the prices of goods have increased, on the other hand, art has been recognized and recognized by more and more people in the public, and people who like artworks have become more numerous; investment funds have been the factors that have contributed to high prices.”

"Frying up the price before lending money, someone takes over."

The past few days in Xi'an, rainy and rainy, Liu Ziye, who is from his hometown in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, feels that this weekday dry city is a bit like Jiangnan. On the 11th of September, the rain fell again. This time, the storm is obviously bigger than the previous days.

When the curtain was opened again in the autumn of the year, major auction houses eagerly tried and the preview was already started. Compared with last year's full expectation, this year, Liu Zizi calmed down a lot. He is a veteran of a private real estate company. He started from scratch, and the number of salespersons who issued flyers along the street to the present is worth more than 100 million yuan. They are all ups and downs. With money in hand, under the infection of a friend, he started to enter the auction. “Jade, painting and calligraphy are all interesting and elegant. Whoever wants to be called Tyrant.”

In the first two years, he couldn't buy it. Last year, he felt that he was at the bottom of his mind and began to raise his cards and bid, and the amount of money increased.

Autumn last year, a jewelry emerald special session so that he did not stand firm, they planted a comeback. “A kind of ice-colored jade with a height of 5 cm is carved into a orchid that grows from a meteorite. When it was said that it was a fine product of Cixi, I was impressed.” The baby caused many rounds of fierce bidding, from 500,000 yuan. To 800,000, will soon break through the million yuan mark. "I still have no experience. I feel anxious. My red line is 900,000, but two people are holding me tight and the auctioneer is always asking me. I'm getting more and more excited and fighting!" Finally, the price Close to 1.5 million, after Liu Ziye shouted "1.55 million!"

I got a baby from Italy, but Liu Ziye was not very happy, but I always felt something was wrong. He looked for a trusted expert to read things. "It's okay, but it's an anomaly, up to a value of 500,000." He knew that he had been racked up so much as he had exceeded the budget, and he was looking for someone to check the price he had repeatedly bid on. Personally, the other person is really child care.

This loss, Liu Ziye decided not to eat, he did not intend to pay emerald, "I will lose the deposit of 100,000 yuan."

However, when the payment deadline is approaching, things are turning around. With the advice of the expert friend, Liu Ziye actively found the auction house and reached an agreement with the seller. He took away the jade with a price far lower than the transaction price, transferred to the bank, and loaned nearly 700,000 yuan. Liu Ziye finally laughed.

“I used to hate the authors, but now I have become a vested interest. Will I lower the price of jade? I'm sure the higher the better, the better the price is doubled in two years!” Calmly Mixing, Liu Ziye remembered the words of the experts.

As a result, buyers, buyers and auction houses are happy. In order not to be a fool in their hands, everybody is desperately trying to push prices higher.

Burma tightens exports of rough stones and the intention to bid is very clear

Since July this year, a message from Myanmar's public sector has gone crazy in the domestic Emerald Circle. A piece of jadeite material with a reserve price of 90,000 euros was eventually shot at 9.29 million euros, plus a tax equivalent of about 110 million yuan. The reserve price soared a hundred times.

Every year, the Myanmar Emerald Market will determine the future trend of the Emerald Market for some time. As the Myanmar government intends to tighten the export of rough stones in recent years, there has been no suspense about the increase in the price of public prices. This time, the government of Burma took out 7,454 raw stones, a sharp drop from the previous 10,300. The intention of the price increase was obvious.

At present, 90% of Myanmar jade is exported to China. Whether it is a finished product or a rough stone, China’s consumption and investment in jadeite are important factors supporting the jadeite market. Now, the rising prices of rough stones are approaching the limits that Chinese investors can accept.

But even so, many jadeite merchants are facing an embarrassing fact that the price of jadeite jade has surpassed that of jadeite. This year, Jadeite's sales have been much lower than in previous years.

The current downturn in the market is mainly affected by the economy. Emerald prices below a million yuan can still be sold. The number of people who ask more than one million yuan is very small. “Now collectors have a very high vision. Things do not look down, good things give no price." Some businesses complain.

Many jade merchants also admit that high-end jade is falling into a market with price and no market, but most people choose hard support. Every year, the Myanmar Public Board has undoubtedly increased their confidence in continuing to wait and see.

Is it easy to squeeze dry foam?

To be heard by museums and dealers to form a reasonable price system

Wei is always the owner of an auction house in Hangzhou. He spoke of the emerald bubble and he did not say anything.

“The bubble is very large. For example, an auction of jade bracelets costs hundreds of millions, but in fact the final transaction may be 30 million.” Why did the three parties reach an agreement? Wei always explained that for buyers, the higher the external air-opening offer, the more faceful they are; for sellers, they can increase their own brand value and facilitate other items in their hands.

Wei Zong introduced that there were also cases where buyers unilaterally breached their contract. The auction site calls for a hundred million dollars, but when it comes time to pay, buyers will say that this thing is worth a hundred million, up to 20 million. "You don't sell, don't sell big, I don't have a deposit!"

Both of these phenomena are related to the Emerald Bubble, and the lack of a reasonable pricing mechanism has made it difficult to reach consensus. According to some experts, museums, auction houses, and dealers often make tripartite tripartite interactions with each other to form a reasonable market price. However, at home, the auction house has become one of the largest, causing market imbalances. “At the same time, the existence of unscrupulous media and black mouth experts has also boosted the bubble.” Wei always believes that this is an important link that should be constantly rectified in the future.

In the eyes of industry experts, most of the early appearances in the jadeite market were collectors or shoppers. After 20 years of development, the art market is becoming a market behavior and investment means like stocks. Experts believe that this is a normal trend but it is also worrying. In the early days, the development of the art market was beneficial, but investors must maintain a certain percentage. If the economic situation is not good, investors will "pull out" all the money just like a low tide. Real collectors cannot afford it. If the cultural relics are pushed to high prices, the market will be struggling and the risks will be difficult to control.

The market is more and more rational and the elimination of bubbles is inseparable from the maturity of collectors.

Compared with his early years, Zhou Xuewen, artistic director of the National Cultural Market Survey and Evaluation Center, believes that in the past two years, buyers have become more rational, “has been rushing to buy, and now they are thinking of buying. How much is there? What price last year will increase by 10% per year? How much money can you sell next year? Now generally only the front cover, back cover, the top things to grab.”

At the same time, he believes that the appreciation potential of high-end jade is still very large, mainly because the domestic market is in line with international standards. Jade is more famous than Hetian jade in the world. Jade is internationally treated like sapphires, emeralds and other jewellery. However, due to the previous closure of the country, Hetian jade does not have such a high salary because he does not have a good reputation internationally. Compared with Hetian jade is a unique Chinese complex, Jade is a jade sought after by the world. In this pursuit, there is great potential for appreciation.

For some newly recruited collectors, Zhou Xuewen suggested that to play with jade, the general score is whether to play in investment or collectible sense. Buying today, selling tomorrow, it's not investment. It's speculation. Speculation may be taken. Investing to do a lot of market research, thinking about flaws every day, may be missed.

"If there is a pleasant play of temperament, there are also two situations. First, pure culture. As long as it is true and beautiful, I like it. I collect it and value the culture. The second is the main investment and the play. It is the status of most people.” He believes that this requires continuous learning to find good goods, accumulate certain jade knowledge, and then find a master with his eyes and get some specimens, even if it is a remnant, it does not matter. This kind of characteristics figured out, and then buy investment to make money. If you only look through the catalogue and watch TV programs, you can buy it. It's hard to avoid losing money.

Interview: Zhou Xuewen, Artistic Director of the National Cultural Market Survey and Evaluation Center

Low-grade jade appreciation space is very small, investment boutique will have the future

Zhou Xuewen, deputy director of the training department of the Chinese Collectors Association, director of the Collectors Association, artistic director of the National Cultural Market Survey and Evaluation Center, and participated in CCTV's "Treasure Hunting - Entering Hechi", "Treasure Hunting - Entering Nanning" and organizing the maritime election work. He participated in the national “Jinbao” appraisal work and was good at Ming and Qing jade appraisals.

The gentleman is good: people raise jade, jade care

"Artwork Kam": When did the Chinese people become attached to Jade?

Zhou Xuewen: Yu has soft and hard points. The best in nephrite is Hetian jade in China. The best in jadeite jade is in Myanmar.

China had produced jade for a long time. It was said to have existed in the Yuan Dynasty. The exact record was the Ming Dynasty. During the Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty, various emerald products were popular in the palace. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, because Cixi preferred Jade, Daguan nobles followed suit, so there was an emerald fever and it has always been very popular with people.

"Artwork Kam": In recent years, the jadeite market has attracted much attention. The Chinese people have a soft spot for jadeite. What are the reasons?

Zhou Xuewen: First, it is related to the royal initiative. Second, jade itself is very beautiful. Its color is close to that of a gem. It is suitable for wearing and decoration. The value of value-added investment is a fortune. Third, jade is also a lot of jade. The virtues, such as benevolence, quality, courage, righteousness, and festivals, are also often mentioned by people who cultivate jade and jade. Fourth, jadeite contains rare elements that are good for the human body.

Do it better: buy high, buy low, buy low

"Artwork Kam": Today, what are the characteristics of the jadeite collection market?

Zhou Xuewen: Jadeite collection mainly consists of bracelets, pendants and pendants; the grades are different, most of them are middle and lower grades of jade, accounting for 96% -98% of the share. The high-grade jadeite is mainly held by some big brand jadeite merchants. The final flow of collection mainly includes the following categories: First, jade dealers and managers; second, rich people and officials.

"Artwork Kam": For newcomers, what are the risks to the Jade Market?

Zhou Xuewen: First of all, I do not agree that the ordinary people can eat and use art investment. Art investment has two characteristics: it is uncertain and it is difficult to determine that if you invest in this year, you will be able to rise. 10 Years do not pick up? Second, professionalism is strong. If there is no certain hobby and long-term understanding, ordinary people are more difficult to distinguish between good and bad. If there is no professional guidance, investment will be more blind.

"Artwork Kam": What advice do you have for newcomers who want to join the Emerald Investment Market?

Zhou Xuewen: If consumers want to invest in jade, they may consider wearing it for themselves, because jade is the jewelry. Best, buy high and buy low. For example, buying ice, Zhengyang Green and other good products, must have the kind of water, color, customs clearance, as investment such a large appreciation of the space, if it is normal may not be good shots.

World Essence: Seed Jade in Jade - Old Pit

"Artwork Kam": How to judge the quality of jade, and what tips?

Zhou Xuewen: You can choose from species, water, color, etc.

Say first, the old pit species is equivalent to the seed jade of Hetian Yuzhong, and Jadeite in the “old pit” is of better quality and has more moisture. This is because there are a variety of ore with different qualities in the primary deposit, which is deposited into secondary deposits after being transported by the water stream. Some poor-quality, fissured, coarse-grained, loosely-structured, and impure jadeite will be naturally separated and eliminated. The last remaining in the riverbed are some of the more closely-embedded, fine-grained emeralds. .

Therefore, the old pit species looks fine, firm, and luster more uniform, emeralds, emperors and other top grade more.

The next grade is glass. Glass species of jade, as the name suggests is as transparent as glass, very fine quality. However, if it is completely transparent, it is not necessarily the best, and it is more transparent and more texture.

Followed by high ice, below the ice species is hail. People who are more exposed to the common people are mainly bean seeds and oil greens. They can wear it, but it is not recommended to invest.

"Artwork Kam": From the perspective of color?

Zhou Xuewen: Color, mainly jade color. The darker the color is, the brighter it is called Zhengyang Green, and the color becomes more flaky. In addition, there are red clapper, yellow peony, and violet.

In fact, there are many colors of jadeite, including green, purple, red, yellow, gray, black, white and so on. The most valuable is green, followed by purple, then red and yellow. If an emerald has both green, violet, and red colors, this piece of jade is called "Fulushou Emerald."

Nowadays, purple jade is very popular. In the past, a few tens of thousands of dollars could be purchased. Now it may be worth hundreds of thousands or even millions. If purple and green appear on an emerald, the so-called "spring ribbon" is formed, which is also very expensive.

"Artwork Kam": Today, how to distinguish the A, B and C goods appearing in the jadeite market?

Zhou Xuewen: First of all, make clear the concept. A cargo Jade is a natural Jadeite, natural chemical jade, which is not chemically treated and has natural color and texture. B-item Jade is a bleached plastic injection emerald. The acidity is soaked and cleaned to increase the transparency and color of Jade. C cargo emerald is dyed Jade. It is a jadeite that has been artificially colored. It is usually colored with organic dyes or inorganic dyes. In addition, there is also a B+C jadeite that has been subjected to strong acid cleaning, plastic injection, and artificial coloring.

The emerald was placed under a fluorescent light, and its color change was observed. The A cargo and the C cargo did not change, and the B cargo was fluorescent and white. C goods after dyeing, so the color distribution along the cracks, uneven distribution, careful observation can be seen with the naked eye.

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